Keeping Cultured

An Interview with Ecclesia: Creating Reinvigorated Sound in the Christian Music Industry


Andrew, how did you meet Sarah and Stephanie and come to create music together?

Ecclesia is an arts ministry that I created to be able to collaborate with interdisciplinary artists. For this past album Wake Up, Andrew has been working with Stephanie and Sarah to write and produce Ecclesia’s music.

How would you describe everyone’s contribution to the group?

I am the director and Sarah and Steph have been creative collaborators for the past 2 years.

What led you to decide on the name Ecclesia?

I wanted to create music that challenged and edified the bride of Christ. Ecclesia is the Latin word for church literally translated as “the called out ones.” It is meant to remind believers of their roots and fundamental callings as vessels of influence to a hurting world.

In an interview with Montell Fish, Andrew said that he hates having to explain his art because he “feels like it robs so much from what art is supposed to mean.” Andrew, could you elaborate on what you believe the meaning of art to be?

I think that art should stand on its own and be received for what it says, especially music since it is poetry. I am always open to explain my art to people that ask me personally with a honest heart but try to stay away from conversations that lead to argumentation.

I think that art should stand on its own and be received for what it says, especially music since it is poetry.

As a Christian band in what has at times been described as a “post-religion world,” how do you reconcile your beliefs with culturally relevant issues through your music?

Andrew: I cannot speak for Steph and Sarah but personally, I believe God is able to reveal Himself and the gospel message in many different ways and cultural frameworks. Institutional religion can be a means to connect to great revelation of who God is but it can also be destructive left in the hands of prideful humans. I believe that the most important thing is to develop an intimate relationship with Holy Spirit to be able to navigate through culturally complex issues.

What is Ecclesia’s response to criticisms of the church in regards to the equality of women? I know that you are very much scripture based, so how would you interpret verses like 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 or 1 Timothy 2:11-15?

I do not consider myself a theologian but do have a love for the scriptures. My ideas on this topic even just a couple months ago are very different than my views now. I believe this issue is very nuanced and the passages mentioned need to be understood in the cultural context in which they were written. I am personally convicted to empower women in ministry in any way I am able.

I am personally convicted to empower women in ministry in any way I am able.

In your single “Covenant” as well as in your album Wake Up, the cover art features a hand painted in rainbow hues. Commonly used as a symbol for the LGBTQ+ community, how would you describe the purpose behind your use of this symbol? And how does your music group respond to the controversial topic of homosexuality within the church?

I like to challenge people to look at the redemptive potential of symbols. The song covenant is about God’s covenant of love for the world in Jesus. The rainbow is a biblical symbol that carries such a powerful message that we all need to be reminded of. I think it is a shame that many people of the LGBTQ+ community have felt rejected from the fellowship of Christian community and discipleship. Like the lyrics of the songs say, God is calling all those who feel far away from Him to come back home.

I think it is a shame that many people of the LGBTQ+ community have felt rejected from the fellowship of Christian community and discipleship.

Your music obviously breaks from the constructs of traditional expectations for Christian music through the various music styles you have integrated (electronica, indie, pop, worship, folk, hip hop, trap, experimental, etc…). The tribal interlude in “Baptized in Fire” is another example of how you push creative boundaries. What underlying purpose is driving your efforts to be different in an industry that has such clearly established conventions?

In this last project we drew influence from many different world sounds. This supported the message of global unity for the body of Christ. Historically, the church has imposed a Western cultural worldview on the places they evangelized. I think what is interesting today is that God is depositing revelations of truth and revival in many non western cultures now. A shift is happening now where the west has the opportunity to humble itself and receive from the East now.

On a less heavy note, your clothing and hairstyles are all so unique and daring! Where do you gather inspiration for your style?

I tend to be a little eclectic and bold with my fashion taste. Fashion was a love of mine before I got into music. I’m inspired by anyone who challenges the norm and expresses themselves in a genuine way.

Earlier this year, you toured in Brazil. What was a particular memory from that experience that made an impact on you?

Attending the Send and connecting with so many local churches was so impactful for the team. The best moments were meeting so many young talented creatives in the different cities. I left very inspired.

What future touring plans do you have?

Currently Ecclesia is on pause as each of us are in transitions in our lives. The ministry will continue to evolve and focus on different creative endeavors. Right now there is less of a focus on touring.

Are you currently working on any new music? And if so, do you have any sneak-peak info for us?

I will be releasing a new song this coming month with a special collab. It’s very different the previous work Ecclesia has released but I think it is what is needed in the world right now.


  • Lina
    June 27, 2020 at 4:22 pm

    Oh, I didn’t know this band before! Just checked them out on Youtube and the songs are quite lovely 👍

  • Tracy @ Cleland Clan
    June 27, 2020 at 9:46 pm

    What a great interview! I think this band would appeal to many different audiences due to their wide variety of music.

  • Karletta Marie
    June 28, 2020 at 6:40 am

    Loving your interviews. I think it’s remarkable to see people putting their unique, authentic voices out into the world.

    There is another question I’d love to ask this group. As you mention “the music obviously breaks from the constructs of traditional expectations for Christian music” I would love to know the challenges they have faced in getting their music out there. Have they faced criticism and how have they overcome?

  • Ngozi
    June 28, 2020 at 10:59 am

    I had never heard of the group Ecclesia until now. t’s lovely to see a Christian group sharing the love of God through music.

  • Belén
    March 31, 2021 at 8:21 pm

    They have a different sound, they have ministered my life with the lyrics of the music, I bless them

  • Joshua Middleton
    December 8, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Great post and interview! It was fun to read and quite informative. Thanks, Lauren!

  • Atlegang
    October 21, 2023 at 9:59 am

    I came across them on a Spotify shuffle. Heal My Heart has been such a blessing and a prayer for me. I’ve been struggling to articulate the turmoil within after experiencing many hardships this year. I’ve been on survival mode since March this year and I think my grief may be catching up with me. This week has been especially tough. This song in particular has given me some sort of encouragement. Thanks Ecclesia, continue to do the Lord’s work and bring Him honour. May He lift y’all up in due time ❤️🇿🇦


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