While life can seem a bit monotonous as a presently pandemic-ridden world lingers on, it is important to find new ways of looking at things. Creativity saves us in days like these, and a fresh source of inspiration can make all the difference. The following series of images and descriptions actually comes from a project I pursued in a photography class during my study abroad semester in London this past fall.
The point of these images was to create an Anti-Portrait: the portrait of the individual is created in the mind of the observer through a physical portrait of the objects they own. These anti-portraits offer a fascinating and unique way to see people, especially when placed in a context of a masked world. Who do you see in the following images?

Vivienne Deschamps, 37
She smoked a cigarette on the balcony of her studio apartment in which she lived alone, and thought of the cover designs for this month’s issue of Elle. Chilled by the evening air she turned to go back inside and lit her Persian rose scented candle. The night was lonely and her black dress called from the other room, promising the potential of distraction.

Harper Clarin, 23
Simple and direct, her silver pointed stilettos tapped punctually along the marble corridor. She checked her watch, 3 minutes early. Coffee in hand and organizer tucked in arm, she entered the meeting with a poised look of confidence. But only after having straightened her collar—every angle mattered.

Eva Marques, 25
A text came in, though not from whom she’d hoped: “soy latte w/ double shot espresso from Stumptown on Broadway & 29th.” It was 7:18am and the streets of Manhattan bustled beneath her window. Evidence of the night before was strewn across her room and lipstick still stained the corners of her mouth. She flurried to pull together the appearance of a polished assistant before adding to the rush of the morning races.

Ally Bishop, 14
Positioning was important, that’s what Jayden had told her. So she sat a couple seats diagonally in front of Dylan on the bus in the aisle seat. She flattered herself to imagine him watching as she let down her thick curls. They were taking a field trip to an amusement park, and for the past week she had imagined a romantic moment between them on the Ferris wheel.

Gianluca Berretini, 28
The black turtleneck fit his chest well, he couldn’t help but think as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had a shoot in the morning by the Trevi Fountain, and should go to bed within the hour since age wasn’t doing him any favors. But a notification from Marco lit up his phone encased in black slate with gold floral. There was time enough for a cocktail.

Kirsten Lawrence, 40
Joshua was holding the camera in his left hand and hers in the other. They had come to Martha’s Vineyard for the weekend, leaving the dog and two kids at home in Connecticut. The sand was cool beneath their feet and for the first time in a long time, she wasn’t forced to take on one of her many roles: wife, mother, ophthalmologist, cook, etc. All of the appointments, college visits, and sports events could wait until Monday.

Stella Buursma, 19
First semester of uni, first big flat party, and Stella was going to make it sparkle. Her and Beth had gone to H&M earlier and bought nothing but clothes that her parents would never approve of. She had just arrived as a psychology student with blonde hair that always looked a mess—but intentionally. She cued the Spotify playlist and settled in front of the mirror with a £1.69 can of captain and coke and her cosmetic bag.

Amelia Pritchard, 33
She put on a pair of black stockings and a gray dress she had found at a new boutique in Chelsea a couple weeks ago. It was a Sunday and she had a manuscript to return to the author by Tuesday. She and John were to meet her mother-in-law for afternoon tea in Westminster in forty minutes. She fastened a strand of pearls around her neck and straightened the corner of the duvet before they left.
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