Keeping Cultured / Meditations / Poetry

Newspaper in the Garden

Streaming down slow silvery skin

Caught up in currents of foreign affairs

The leaves on which news is printed

Circling back as recycled pieces

Of unlearnt history lessons a cycle of

Madness, sadness grown into our tree roots,

Are the human race’s tragedies so inescapable

As to permeate the photosynthesized

Oxygen that we breathe,

Suffocated by our own disasters?

No. Despair does not grow into the

Blades of grass that sprout between our barefoot toes.

We must not imagine the ghosts of our

Sorrows living in our lungs lest we hyperventilate,

Imagining a false loss before the match begins.

There is opportunity for growth, for buds in a burnt barrel

Like invasive wildflowers, we must rush to lay down our roots of hope

In the most daunting of places.

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