
10 Creative Ways to Show Appreciation for Our Fathers this Week!

10 Creative Ways to Show Appreciation for Our Fathers this Week!

This weekend we celebrated the fathers in our lives. (But we completely understand that not everyone has a father to celebrate the day with, or that they necessarily appreciate.) We hope that, no matter what circumstance your relationship with your dad is in, this list will give you some creative ideas for how to make this week a special one.

1. Pull out the old photo albums

This past September I traveled around Ireland, then to Paris, and then to London with my parents before beginning a semester of studying abroad. When I returned from the semester, I put together a photo book of the trip we took for my parents as a Christmas present. The more time that passes, the more precious the memories that live inside that photo book become. A great way to show some love for our dads this week is to bring some of their most treasured memories to mind by reminiscing over old photo albums with them. You’ll be surprised how renewed you can feel from diving into the past.

2. Make your dad’s favorite meal

Let’s honor our dads with the way to their heart: food! This week, make your dad’s favorite meal to be enjoyed among family. As someone once said, food is the ingredient that binds us together. What a true statement that is. There’s nothing quite like sitting down to a meal that was made by caring hands. The only thing better is eating it! So roll up your sleeves, bring out the apron, and make a meal with love. Your dad will definitely feel the love, and what’s more is that he’ll taste it, too.

3. Cue up a playlist you know he’d appreciate

I know, I know, you and your dad don’t have the same taste in music. I get it, trust me. When I was in college my parents would fly to Florida so they could help me make the trip back to Vermont with my 2004 Jeep Liberty. We could never agree on a radio station! The pop station and the country station were competing for listening time for the entire 22 hour drive. But if there’s a time to give up the fight, it’s now. Put on some old country, or whatever it is your dad prefers, and let him have control over the music. And what’s more, learn to enjoy it simply because it makes him happy.

4. Get him a case of his favorite drink and keep it cold

My dad has always been a Coca-Cola fan. One of his favorite activities during the summer is to sit on the front porch and take in the beauty of the green landscape around him with an ice-cold coke in his hand. Whether your dad drinks coke, iced tea, or beer, buy him a case and keep it frosty. With this week’s hot temperatures, he’ll be in dire need of some refreshment. Show him some love by having a cold and refreshing drink with him this week.

5. Surrender control of the remote

While surrendering control of the music can be hard, surrendering control of the TV can be harder. But this week, show your dad you care by letting him choose the night’s entertainment. Whether it’s that documentary on farming, or that movie about WWII that he’s been eyeing, he’ll definitely appreciate the go-ahead to watch whatever he finds to be interesting. And who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy watching it more than you think!

6. Genuinely invest yourself in learning about something he’s interested in

Oftentimes when our interests differ from someone else’s we are quick to disregard. For example, my dad is particularly interested in the history of World War II, while I tend to gravitate towards more abstract things. However, we miss out on a lot when we close our mind off to the things that we aren’t naturally drawn to. This week I would like to encourage you to immerse yourself in something your dad is interested in that you wouldn’t normally think twice about. Not only will it mean a lot to him, but it is an opportunity for you to learn something new.

7. Write him a letter

Too often we forget to tell people the things we appreciate about them. Writing a letter is a simple way to take time reflecting on the things we want people to know. This week, take some time to sit and reflect on the things you appreciate about your dad. Think about the memories you have together, and the life lessons he has taught you. Then, write it all down! It is so important to let people know how much they mean to you, and this week is the perfect time to do so.

8. Make plans to do something he enjoys

Some of my most vivid childhood memories involve going to Boston with my dad to watch the Red Sox play in Fenway Park. It was the only time I would wear a baseball cap, and one of the few times my dad would visit the city. Those times will always have a special place in my heart, and I know that the same is true for my dad. A great way to show a person that you love them is to plan to do something together that they enjoy. While COVID-19 has pressed pause on buying tickets to sports games, there are plenty of other things you can do. Bring him out to get that lobster roll, make plans with him to go on that hike, tie down the old canoe to the car roof. The memories will last a lifetime.

9. Bake him a fancy dessert

My dad has always had a weakness for chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, and honestly, I can’t blame him. So this weekend I made him one with an extra touch of chocolate ganache and chocolate shard decoration. It was so much fun to make and ended up being eaten with the whole family (sisters, brothers-in-law, nephews, and nieces included) around the campfire. Check out these recipes if you’re running short on ideas!

10. Remind him that you love him

This, of course, is the most important of all! Our dads do so much for us. My dad taught me to drive, instilled the value of hard work in me, and has always been loving and supportive (among other things). It’s so important that we not only do things that show them that we love them—we must tell them, too.


  • Joline
    June 25, 2020 at 7:18 pm

    My dad LOVES reminiscing and going over old photos is something he absolutely enjoys. Of course, being remote king for the day is fun too lol.

  • Linda Purcell
    June 25, 2020 at 7:35 pm

    All terrific ideas even for fathers that have long passed.

  • Stephanie Gillespie
    June 26, 2020 at 6:37 pm

    Love the idea of pulling out the old photo albums!


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