
Botanical Bliss for Black Thumbs: 5 Plants that Don’t Die


May has arrived in New England, and the April showers have followed through with their end of the deal. It began with crocuses, then came the forsythia, now daffodils, and soon apple blossoms will erupt across the hills. Even the least skilled gardener can’t help but be inspired to bring the green of the outside world into their own home. But for many of us, plants can be difficult to keep living. We reached out to girls like you for suggestions on house plants for those without a green thumb. Below are five plants that will thrive for even the most diffident gardeners.

Snake Plants

“I have a snake plant and they are VERY low maintenance.” ~Winter 

This easy house plant was our most popular suggestion! The snake plant is an evergreen perennial, which means that it will look gorgeous for you all year round, year after year. It can grow anywhere from 8 inches to 12 feet high. The leaves are dark green in color with white and yellow stripes adding beautiful texture. Just water when you notice that the soil is super dry—not too often: no less than 7 days between waterings.


“It’s super easy! Water it once every 7-10 days or when the soil is super dry. It does well inside and outside as long as it gets some sun!” ~Skyler

Our second most popular recommendation (also known as Devil’s Ivy) works beautifully as a hanging plant. Its shiny, heart-shaped leaves are usually dark green but sometimes are marbled with white, yellow, or pale green colors. It’s low maintenance and a beautiful accent for any room.

Air Plants

“They don’t even require soil!” ~Melissa

Like snake plants, air plants are evergreen perennials. But what makes them especially unique is that they have no roots and therefore, require no soil. They grow in various quirky shapes and colors from green, to pink, red, or even violet. Cute and spiky, they are often ball-like in shape, though some are elongated. To care for your air plant, soak it in room temperature water for 5-10 minutes every one to two weeks.

Aloe Vera

“Those spiky leaves contain something magical.” ~Caroline

This succulent is another plant that you’ll love! Not only would it be an aesthetic part of your decor, but it has many great medicinal uses. Aloe vera heals burns, improves digestive health, treats acne, and  promotes oral health. Keep it in the sun and water it every couple of weeks to keep it happy and healthy.

Spider Plants

“I keep mine by my bed and it helps me to breathe better!” ~Monique

Spider plants are great for everyone! Water them once a week and keep them out of direct sunlight and they’ll flourish for you. But not only are they are a cute addition to your night stand, they purify oxygen while absorbing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and xylene!

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