Living / Women Doing Things

Craniosacral Therapy: An Exclusive Interview with Nancy Thomas about the Science of Healing

The Science of Healing

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I changed my whole path about twenty years ago. I went from working in an office doing bookkeeping work to pursuing a more holistic type of healing that I had been learning about in little bits of pieces for a long time, but never more than that. 

What is craniosacral therapy?

The term is craniosacral because it involves the fluid system that surrounds your brain and spinal cord (hence cranium and sacrum, the beginning and end of the spinal cord).  I’m working with the hydraulic system which fills and empties fluid on a regular basis. And when there’s some kind of trauma to your body (it could be a physical trauma or an emotional trauma) it throws off the pressure in that system. When you have a concussion, for an example, your head fills up with more fluid than it should have. This is because of trauma. 

I’m working with the hydraulic system which fills and empties fluid on a regular basis. And when there’s some kind of trauma to your body (it could be a physical trauma or an emotional trauma) it throws off the pressure in that system.

How does it work?

It consists of very gentle touch. I’m feeling for the rhythm of that system of fluids in your body. I can feel it just about anywhere on the body because the connective tissue flows all the way from head to toe; there’s an endless web of connective tissue. And the filling and emptying of that system gets thrown off so a trained hand can feel that things are not balanced. The nervous system and spinal cord is housed within that fluid. If there’s anything that’s been thrown off (perhaps your nervous system is under distress, or you have anxiety related to a trauma) working with that fluid system helps to heal the nervous system. 

I can feel it just about anywhere on the body because the connective tissue flows all the way from head to toe; there’s an endless web of connective tissue.

What led you to try cranial therapy? 

 I experienced a session of craniosacral therapy and it was fascinating to me; I wanted to learn more. I had my first session in 2003. I’d had a bad accident in which I was thrown off of a motorcycle. I had been studying reiki, which is energy therapy. People who were practicing that also were practicing craniosacral therapy and they knew that was what I needed. Then I realized what it did for me, and I wanted to know more about it.

How has cranial therapy impacted your life?

Craniosacral therapy helped me to heal on all kinds of levels from my own injuries, and I realized that it could be helpful to other people. I wanted to become a practitioner of it and bring it to others. 

Craniosacral therapy helped me to heal on all kinds of levels from my own injuries…

What process did you follow to become a craniosacral practitioner?

I studied with the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. They teach all over the world, but that is their home base. 

You said craniosacral therapy can be helpful for those under physical distress and emotional distress, would you say most of your patients come for physical or for emotional?

There’s a percentage of both. But usually one has led to the other, or there’s just a combination of both types of distress over time. 

Who would you suggest try craniosacral therapy?

Anyone who suffers from physical or emotional trauma. Each person is unique so they all require a unique approach to this therapy. It doesn’t lend itself to language; the experience speaks volumes. You flush the fluids that your brain is surrounded with and it’s so calming to your body. 

It doesn’t lend itself to language; the experience speaks volumes.

Nancy Thomas offers craniosacral therapy along with many other treatments at her office on 70 Reed St. in Randolph, MA. Call 617.694.1512 or email to book an appointment and begin your healing process today.

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